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Lace 1.4 has arrived

Find out all the latest updates from the new release of the Lace Web3 platform.

Team Lace
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Here comes another new release – say hello to Lace 1.4! It’s a case of more, more, more as we’ve more new features, more ADA Handle support, and more bug fixes.

See all your personalized handles together

We know, we all like things where we can see them. Brand new for Lace 1.4 – you can now view all your personalized handles next to your regular ones, under the receive tab and wherever you can view your NFTs. Don’t forget that since our 1.3 release, you can also view all your handles when you hit the NFT tab. So it’s now even easier to share your wallet address and a whole lot more fun. Result!

wallet address handles lace walletNFT tab lace wallet handles

Keep track of handles

Lace will now be able to help you keep on top of who owns which handles. You’ll get an alert whenever a handle linked to someone in your address book is transferred (potentially to another person), so you can keep an eye on handle ownership.

ownership change handle warning messageownership change handle transaction confirmation

Big time bug fixes

Small changes, big differences. You’ll be pleased to hear that we’ve fixed some bugs this time around, including removing the unnecessary address validations and displaying a recipient’s address just once on the Send pop up. Plus, when you close the ‘All done!’ screen after you’ve finished a transaction, you won’t be shown it again at the beginning of another transaction. Phew!

Team Lace